Sunday, April 23, 2017

Immersion blog #1 Student Life - Industry Immersion - #tip #dit #learningisfun

TIP- QC Industry Immersion...A student's point of view

First of all, what is an industry immersion and why go through it?

The author is a student currently taking up Doctor in Information Technology (DIT) in Technological Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City. As part of the curriculum, a DIT student should be able to complete here course works and an industry immersion before proceeding to dissertation. Thus, she is now on enrolled this summer for industry immersion.

Scouting for a company to that accepts graduate students for an immersion proved to be a struggle. I heard from other students who finished their industry immersion already that they were rejected by quite a number of companies and got accepted finally with barely 2 months left of the semester. As for me, i got lucky.

Before the informal industry immersion orientation with Dean Ruji Medina last March 29, I started sending inquiry emails already to companies. I sent it to software companies in Cebu City since it is one boat ride away from home. Also, I asked around for research centers in Leyte for possibilities of having my industry immersion there.

One of my options if I will not be accepted is to go to research centers in our university. Although it is located inside our university, it is externally funded. Research centers for abaca, coconut, carabao and GIS are just some of the current researches being done. However, it is strongly discouraged. As per advise by Sir Ruji, "Go out of your comfort zone", he said.

Lucky for me, I got accepted in Southern Leyte State University - Main Campus (SLSU), Sogod, So. Leyte.

I went there to submit my endorsement letter and I got a positive feedback.

One of the requirements before I start my immersion there is to ask myself on what is the direction of my dissertation. I will be assigned to somebody who can help me better achieve my expected learning. I am to choose if I will join the research team on GIS, on abaca tissue culture, in fisheries or in precision agriculture.

So for this last week of April, when I go back to SLSU, i will be assigned on the research area that I will choose. And hopefully, this industry immersion will better equip me for the upcoming dissertation.

To God be the glory!!!

Total contact hours: 3