Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Dissertation Blog #1 - Looking forward for dissertation #dit #tip #learningisfun

May 18, 2017

A lot of people associates summer season with tv binging with the barkada, summer outing somewhere with beautiful sandy beaches, waking up late and soul searching. Well, it just so happen that this year, my summer is with a different high. And that is why I have my #learningisfun in my blog titles. 

This blog is still in connection with my immersion, but the focus is more on the upcoming dissertation. 

Before I enrolled in the DIT program, one of the requirements is to submit a dissertation concept. The dissertation concept that I submitted was not my own. It was more of a contribution from different individuals who were giving their all-out support for me to proceed with doctorate degree. 

Here are some things which made me decide on the topic for dissertation. 

1. The department head where I am connected is doing research on image processing so I thought, here is somebody who will be one of my guides.
2. Having a marine biologist sister has some perks when it comes to research topics suggestions. She suggested for researches that could help the marine biologists especially in the monitoring of marine sanctuary. 
3. When it comes to data gathering, having computer science students would come in handy. 
4. Having a DIT mentor whose area of research is on Artificial Intelligence and precision agriculture is surely a good idea. 

All these are the considerations why I am thinking of doing this dissertation concept. 

---> Machine Vision for Fish growth monitoring using Artificial Intelligence maybe SOM or Naive Bayes Algorithm. 

As soon as all the requirement for my immersion are submitted, I could now start on strengthening my dissertation concept. So help me God. 

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