Saturday, May 6, 2017

Immersion Blog #3 - Learning is fun. Student life :D #tip #dit #learningisfun

Learning is fun.

May 6, 2017

     Today is already Saturday. This means that another week has gone by in my immersion here in Southern Leyte State University, Sogod, So. Leyte. I consulted AccuWeather on the weather forecast. Should I bring an umbrella or should I just bring my ever trusted eyeshades in going to SLSU? According to Accuweather, rain and shine, thus umbrella and eyeshades it is. 

A  fine Saturday morning here in SLSU, Sogod, So. Leyte

     One thing that I could be so grateful about my mentor for this immersion, is that he finds time to squeeze me in his busy schedule. Today is a Saturday, and he is teaching his Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) students and yet he lets me be here also. During breaktime, he checks on the progress of my research. 

     And so for the output of this week, I submitted my chapters 1, 2 and 3 for his comment and suggestions. Also, I was able to use MatLab for the first time for the simulation of the data using fuzzy logic. Sir Rhoderick, my mentor, provided me with tutorial videos and he was there to guide me also. It was such an amazing experience for me. The wonders of technology indeed. 

     I had a productive week in my immersion here in SLSU. Thanks to the SLSU administration for accepting me here and most especially to my mentor, Sir Rhod. Looking forward to another week of learning!

     To God be the glory...

Total contact hours: 40

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