Sunday, May 14, 2017

Immersion blog #4 - Applying the theories I learned inside the classroom #dit #tip #learningisfun

May 13, 2017
This is my 4th blog entry. As a review, this blog is all about my immersion here in Southern Leyte State University (SLSU) - Main campus, Sogod, Southern Leyte. The blog talks about my experiences and learning while doing the immersion as a doctorate student of Technological Institute of the Philippines - Quezon City (TIP-QC) for the Doctor in Information Technology (DIT) program.
As I have mentioned in my previous blogs, Sir Rhod is my mentor. With his many responsibilities here in the main campus as well as with the external colleges, he is  a busy body day in and day out. However, before he goes out of his office for meetings or official business, he makes sure that I am still taken cared of while doing the immersion in the university. Thus, he introduced me to these persons whom I can ask for assistance whenever he is not around.
Mary Grace S. Monasterial
Mary Grace S. Monasterial - She is the clerk of the College of Engineering. Grace checks up on me from time to time to make sure that I have what I need while doing the tasks given to me.
Christopher Rebayla
Christopher Rebayla - This is Chris, a fresh graduate of BS in Information Technology major in programming.
Week 3 in the immersion blueprint is designated for data gathering and testing for the research in abaca tissue culture. Unfortunately, Sir Rhod has an official travel. However, he requested one of his students who assisted him before in his abaca research. Thus, Chris is here to help me in the data gathering and testing.
We discussed about Confusion Matrix, Naïve Bayesian, K-NN as well as how to do the training and testing of the abaca tissue culture. It is very fulfilling when you get to understand better how the theories you learned inside the classroom are being used in the actual application.

Ephraim L. Calope
Ephraim L. Calope - Meet the University Management Information System (MIS) Chief. Together with Sir Rhod, I was able to have a glimpse of their MIS server, computer laboratory server, internet cafe for students, and CISCO laboratories. Mr. Calope manages student records and university concerns. In terms of technical assistance, he is the person to call.

Veronica L. Reoma
Veronica L. Reoma -  Ms. Reoma, fondly called Ma’am NecNec, manages the Abaca Research Center and the Abaca Tissue Culture Laboratory. I was allowed to take some pictures of their specimens and laboratory equipment. When I need permission to get sample specimen for data gathering and testing of abaca tissue cultures, I go to Ma'am NecNec for help.
Also, Ms. Reoma hosts the SLSU hour aired every Wednesday. This is a one-hour radio timeslot as an institutional extension program aired over DYSL 104.7 FM. Sir Rhod and I were interviewed. The interview was aired May 10, 2017 @ 8 o'clock in the morning. The questions were about the research in abaca, why is there a need to do research in abaca, and questions about ICT and the role it plays in agriculture. I was so nervous during the interview but also exhilarated to be able to listen to your voice on air and impart a little bit of the research we are currently conducting.
Ludito V. Ramirez
Prof. Ludito V. Ramirez - Prof. Ramirez manages the SLSU Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering (SJET) and Journal of Educational and Human Resource Development (JEHRD). He is under the office of the Vice President for Research, Development and Extension. The VP for RDE is Francis Ann R. Sy, PhD. We visited the office of Prof. Ramirez since the output of this immersion is a publishable research paper. And so, Sir Rhod introduced me to Prof. Ramirez so that I will know what are the requirements and deadlines for the submission of the research paper for publication.
Marie Khul C. Langub
Marie Khul C. Langub - This lady here is the unit head of the Research and Development Program - Monitoring and Evaluation (RDP-ME). As the name of the program implies, she in charge of the monitoring and evaluation of researches conducted. I knew Ms. Marie Khul way back then when I used to be one of the Computer and Internet Literacy Course (CILC) trainers for the iSchools Project. Small world to be meeting her again after so many years.

Tamar Mejia Jr.
Tamar Mejia Jr. - Sir Tamar is the Research and Development Program (RDP-MIS) unit head. He manages the data of the university-wide researches.

Prose Ivy G. Yepes, Ed.D.
And finally, meet Prose Ivy G. Yepes, Ed.D, SLSU President. Although I was not able to have a selfie with her during our meeting, she should definitely be in this gallery. Without her signature in my endorsement letter, I would not be doing my immersion here in SLSU.
To all these wonderful people who, directly or indirectly, helped me in this immersion, many thanks to all of you...
Another week of my immersion has passed - aside from my added learning, I had my professional network expanded as well.
To God be the glory...

Total contact hours: 36 hours


  1. Congratulations on your early finish mam Magz! <3

    1. kulang pa isang blog mam.. sa dissertation :D

  2. The challenge of applying classroom theories to real-world scenarios is a common one. While academic concepts provide a strong foundation, translating them into practical solutions often requires adaptation and innovation.

    IEEE projects for cse

    Key Considerations for Application
    Contextual Understanding: The specific context of the problem is crucial. Theories need to be adapted to fit the unique characteristics of the situation.
    Data Availability: Access to relevant data is essential for applying theoretical models.
    Tool Selection: Choosing the right tools and technologies is vital for efficient implementation.
    Iterative Approach: Real-world problems often require experimentation and refinement.
    Ethical Considerations: Ensuring that the application of theories aligns with ethical principles.
